Jason Bosco

Full Stack Web Developer ; Generalist

Reply-to: noreply@rackspace.com ?!

“Happy Rackspace Anniversary!” What anniversary are we talking about? 

I opened the email and noticed that it was sent via em-iadsm5-151.mktomail.com. I didn’t know Rackspace started using thrid-party marketing tools. Is this email legit?

I noticed this line in the email header: “Reply-to: noreply@rackspace.com”. Paradoxical! The reply-to address is one that starts with “noreply@…”. That was quite funny! 

Did anyone else receive this email?

Delivered-To: *********
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Subject: Happy Rackspace Anniversary
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 11:03:00 -0500
To: *****
From: "Rackspace Hosting" <donotreply@rackspace.com>

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Happy Rackspace Anniversary!

Thank you for the opportunity to Fanatically Support you and your business.

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, go to the following link to unsubscribe: http://go.rackspace.com/unsubscribe.html.

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        <td align="center" valign="middle">Thank you for the opportunity to<br />
          Fanatically Support you and your business.</td>
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        <td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="http://c3206172.r72.cf0.rackcdn.com/stamp.jpg" width="328" height="173" /></td>

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<p><font face="Verdana" size="1">If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe<br/> </font> </p>




“The problem with TCP jokes is that people keep retelling them slower until you get them.”— @eigenrick

Scribble App Reaches the 10,000 Users Milestone!

It’s been thrilling to watch our Scribble App grow through all these months. With a 4.58 user rating and 10,018 users as of today, Scribble has officially crossed the 10,000 users milestone. We were there on Day One when the Chrome Web Store opened its gates. In two days Scribble had 439 installs and showed up on the Featured section of the utilities category. The early mover advantage helped us get enough attention from the press. We were soon featured on TheNextWebMashable, Web.Appstorm and ChromeStory among others.

Meanwhile we ironed out minor bugs and were wide open to user comments and reactions. One feature that was most asked for was a way to access notes from multiple browsers. Being a browser-based note-taking app, it was only a matter of time that users needed a Sync feature to access their notes from multiple places. And thus the sync feature was born. Though the sync feature took a while to catch on, as of today we have 1655 registered sync users and we’re adding new users every day.

Thank you to all our users who helped make Scribble a success! We couldn’t have done it without you. Of course :) Also, thank you to all the people who sent in words of encouragement. You kept us going! 


Migrating MySQL Users From One Server to Another

Migrating mysql databases is easy using mysqldump*. But moving users from one DB server to another seems a little tricky. Based on Vivek Gite’s post, here’s a neat little piped set of commands that you can run on the source DB server. The command will generate all the GRANT statements that you can simply run on the destination DB server.

mysql -u <ROOTUSERNAME> -B -N -p<ROOTPASSWORD> -e "SELECT user, host FROM user" mysql | awk '{print "mysql -u <ROOTUSERNAME> -p<ROOTPASSWORD> -B -N -e\"SHOW GRANTS FOR " $1 "@" $2 "\""}'

The beauty of this is that you need not know the passwords for any of the mysql user accounts.


*Migrating all databases except mysql and information_schema:

mysql -u <MYSQLROOTTUSERNAME> -p<MYSQLROOTPWD> -B -N -e"SHOW DATABASES;" | grep -v mysql | grep -v information_schema | xargs mysqldump -u <MYSQLROOTTUSERNAME> -p<MYSQLROOTPWD> --databases > mysqldbdump.sql



Bash History -d Command

I often find myself typing passwords into the bash shell in a hurry before I can type the command which is going to ask for the password! This text gets into the bash history which really embarassing. To remove an item from the bash history, type 


to view the items in the history along with the offset. Now type

history -d offset

where offset is the one specified in the output of the previous command.

Annoyance: Ssl_error_rx_record_too_long

Everything was working perfectly. We had our self-signed SSL certificate, got our dev site working with it - it was flawless. But then out of nowhere this error crops up: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long complaining about the SSL certificate. This is the second time this has happened. The first time, I ignored it and simply disabled SSL for that particular site :-) Now it looks like I have no other choice but to investigate. A quick search leads me to believe that there is no universal solution to this error. 


1. Turn on SSL on port 443 (rather than serving regular HTTP off the SSL port) - Check.

2. “Make sure you do not have more than one SSL certificate sharing the same IP. Please ensure that all SSL certificates utilise their own dedicated IP”.

  • I guess I need to use just one certificate for all the domains, instead of having an invidual one for each.

Got it working finally. It was either because the browser wouldn’t take 4096 bit encryption or I had more than one SSL certificate for the same IP address. I’m leaning more towards the latter reason why it started working.



The Purpose of Life

Searching for an answer to the age old question of “What is the purpose of life?” I realized, to start off with, that the purpose of life is to simply live - to live one day at a time and enjoy it, taking in the experiences each day brings along with it, both the happy ones and the challenging ones. The purpose of existence is to exist. 


Facebook Email System Open to Spam?

I signed into my Facebook account and received a notification about “Claiming my facebook email address”. My facebook email address is <MyFBUserName>@facebook.com. I can’t change it to anything else. It defaults to my FB user name. So much for spam. Can’t I write a scraper that will google for common names (http://www.google.com/search?q=sam+facebook), get a list of FB user names and then tack @facebook.com and start sending spam? I hope there are good privacy mechanisms to prevent this. 

Also, I already notice a few annoying quirks with the UI. Among them: 

1. When I scroll a long conversation, the middle pane scrolls, which is quite awkward and quite unlike any other FB page.

2. When sending a message (email) to a regular email address, I cannot set the subject line. Instead it defaults to “Conversation with MY FULL NAME” on the receiving end.

I guess the UI issues will be ironed out over time, but I’m quite concerned about the spam issue. Has anyone already tried writing a scraper? Just curious! ;-)

jbos.co and jasonbos.co

Went domain shopping at 2.30am and bought jbos.co and jasonbos.co. I now have a four letter domain name :) Both redirect to jasonbosco.com for now.